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There came out blood and water... J-J Tissot |
[31] Judaei ergo ( quoniam parasceve erat) ut non remanerent in cruce corpora sabbato ( erat enim magnus dies ille sabbati), rogaverunt Pilatum ut frangerentur eorum crura, et tollerentur.
[32] Venerunt ergo milites : et primi quidem fregerunt crura, et alterius, qui crucifixus est cum eo. [33] Ad Jesum autem cum venissent, ut viderunt eum jam mortuum, non fregerunt ejus crura,
[34] sed unus militum lancea latus ejus aperuit, et continuo exivit sanguis et aqua.
[35] Et qui vidit, testimonium perhibuit : et verum est testimonium ejus. Et ille scit quia vera dicit : ut et vos credatis.
[30] Jesus therefore, when he had taken the vinegar, said: It is consummated. And bowing his head, he gave up the ghost.
[31] Then the Jews, (because it was the parasceve,) that the bodies might not remain on the cross on the sabbath day, (for that was a great sabbath day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.
[32] The soldiers therefore came; and they broke the legs of the first, and of the other that was crucified with him.
[33] But after they were come to Jesus, when they saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs.
[34] But one of the soldiers with a spear opened his side, and immediately there came out blood and water.
[35] And he that saw it, hath given testimony, and his testimony is true. And he knoweth that he saith true; that you also may believe. [John xix]
Ad sacram, Dómine, mensam admíssi, háusimus aquas in gáudio de fóntibus Salvatóris: sanguis eius fiat nobis, quǽsumus, fons aquæ in vitam ætérnam saliéntis:
Admitted to the sacred banquet, O Lord, we have drawn water in joy from the Saviour’s fountain; may His Blood, we beseech You, become for us a fountain of water springing up unto life everlasting.[post-Communion of today's Mass]
Totus tuus ego sum
Et omnia mea tua sunt.
Et omnia mea tua sunt.
Tecum semper tutus sum.
Ad Jesum per Mariam
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