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St Bernard. Musée de Cluny [Public domain] |
Our series on St Bernard's homilies in praise of the Virgin Mother continues with the second homily. The Latin text and an English translation are followed by references and notes on vocabulary.
Joseph: A faithful and prudent servant whom God chose for the comfort of His mother, the supplier of His bodily needs, finally the only and most trustworthy co-operator on earth in His great design.
Totus tuus ego sum et omnia mea tua sunt. Tecum tutus semper sum.
Ad Jesum per Mariam.
16. Conjice tamen ex hac appellatione, qua, licet dispensatoria, meruit honorari a Deo, ut pater Dei et dictus, et creditus sit: conjice et ex proprio vocabulo (quod augmentum non dubitas interpretari) quis et qualis homo fuerit iste Joseph.
It may be concluded from this dispensatory designation by which he has merited to be honoured by God, that he is said and believed to the father of the God man. It may be concluded from this particular name (you do not doubt the extended meaning to be interpreted) who and what manner of man Joseph was.
Simul et memento magni illius quondam patriarchae venditi in Aegypto [1]: et scito ipsius istum non solum vocabulum fuisse sortitum, sed et castimoniam adeptum, innocentiam assecutum et gratiam. Siquidem ille Joseph, fraterna ex invidia venditus et ductus in Aegyptum, Christi venditionem praefiguravit: iste Joseph Herodianam invidiam fugiens, Christum in Aegyptum portavit [2]
Remember that great patriarch, (another Joseph), sold into Egypt [1] and learn that the Mary's Joseph followed him not only in his name but in his chastity, innocence and grace. Indeed, that Joseph, sold by fraternal envy and led into Egypt, prefigured the selling of Christ. This Joseph, fleeing Herod's envy, bore Christ into Egypt.[2]
Ille domino suo fidem servans, dominae noluit commisceri [3]: iste dominam suam, Domini sui matrem, virginem agnoscens, et ipse continens fideliter custodivit. Illi data est intelligentia in mysteriis somniorum (Gen. XL, XLI): isti datum est conscium fieri atque participem coelestium sacramentorum [4]. Ille frumenta servavit non sibi, sed omni populo (Gen. XL, XLI): iste panem vivum e coelo servandum accepit tam sibi quam toti mundo.
That Joseph, keeping faith with his master, refused to lie with his mistress;[3] this Joseph, remaining faithfully continent, protected his mistress, the mother of his Lord, acknowledging her to be a virgin.To that Joseph was given understanding the mysteries of dreams; to this Joseph was given to be made aware of and a sharer in heavenly sacraments [4]. That Joseph saved wheat, not for himself but for the whole people [Gen 40, 41]; this Joseph received the Living Bread from heaven for himself and for the whole world.
Non est dubium quin bonus et fidelis homo fuerit iste Joseph, cui Mater desponsata est Salvatoris. Fidelis, inquam, servus et prudens, quem constituit Dominus suae matris solatium, suae carnis nutritium, solum denique in terris magni consilii coadjutorem sibi fidelissimum.
There is no doubt that this Joseph was a good and faithful man, to who the Mother of the Saviour was betrothed. A faithful and prudent servant whom God chose for the comfort of His mother, the supplier of His bodily needs, finally the only and most trustworthy co-operator on earth in His great design.
Huc accedit quod dicitur fuisse de domo David. Vere enim de domo David, vere de regia stirpe descendit vir iste Joseph, nobilis genere, mente nobilior. Plane filius David, non degenerans a patre suo David.
In this place he is said to have been of the house of David. This man Joseph was indeed of the house of David, descended from royal stock, of noble race and yet nobler mind. The son of David, in nothing degenerating from David, his father.
Prorsus, inquam, filius David, non tantum carne, sed fide, sed sanctitate, sed devotione: quem tanquam alterum David Dominus invenit secundum cor suum, cui tuto committeret secretissimum atque sacratissimum sui cordis arcanum:
He was son of David not so much according to the flesh but in his faith, holiness of life and devotion. A man whom, like another David, God found according to His own heart, and to whom He entrusted the most secret and sacred mystery of His heart.
cui tanquam alteri David incerta et occulta sapientiae suae manifestavit, et dedit illi non ignarum esse mysterii, quod nemo principum hujus saeculi agnovit: cui denique datum est quod multi reges et prophetae, cum vellent videre, non viderunt; audire, et non audierunt; non solum videre et audire, sed etiam portare, deducere, amplecti, deosculari, nutrire et custodire.
To whom, as to the other David, He made manifest the uncertain and hidden things of his wisdom; and He gave unto him not to be ignorant of a mystery which none of the great ones of this world knew. To Joseph the One Whom many kings and prophets had wanted to see and had not seen; not only to behold Him and listen to His words, but to bear Him in his arms, to guide His steps, to embrace and kiss Him, to feed and protect Him.
Non tantum autem Joseph, sed et Maria descendisse credenda est de domo David. Alioquin non fuisset desponsata viro de domo David, si non esset et ipsa de domo David. Ambo igitur erant de domo David; sed in altera completa est veritas, quam juravit Dominus David, altero tamen conscio et teste adimpletae promissionis.
It is also believed that not only Joseph but Mary too descended from the same house of David, otherwise she would not have been espoused to a man of the house of David if she was not herself from the house of David. Both, then, were of the house of David; but in Mary was fulfilled the truth which the Lord swore unto David; Joseph knows this and is a witness to the fulfilment of this truth.
[1] [27] melius est ut venundetur Ismaelitis, et manus nostrae non polluantur : frater enim et caro nostra est. Acquieverunt fratres sermonibus illius.
It is better that he be sold to the Ismaelites, and that our hands be not defiled: for he is our brother and our flesh. His brethren agreed to his words.
[2] [14] Qui consurgens accepit puerum et matrem ejus nocte, et secessit in Aegyptum
Who arose, and took the child and his mother by night, and retired into Egypt: and he was there until the death of Herod:[Matt 2]
[3] [12] et illa, apprehensa lacinia vestimenti ejus, diceret : Dormi mecum. Qui relicto in manu ejus pallio fugit, et egressus est foras.
And she catching the skirt of his garment, said: Lie with me. But he leaving the garment in her hand, fled, and went out. [Gen 39]
[4] [20] Haec autem eo cogitante, ecce angelus Domini apparuit in somnis ei, dicens : Joseph, fili David, noli timere accipere Mariam conjugem tuam : quod enim in ea natum est, de Spiritu Sancto est.
But while he thought on these things, behold the angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her, is of the Holy Ghost. [Matt 1]
Latin vocab
amplecti, ~ere , to embrace.
castīmōnĭa, ae, f. In gen., purity of morals, morality
coniciō, iēcī, iectus, 3, a.: to throw together; pile up; throw, cast, hurl; turn
deosculari , ~are , to kiss.
servō āvī, ātus, āre: to make safe, save, keep unharmed, preserve, guard, keep, protect
sortītus, ūs, m.: a drawing of lots; allotment, 3.323. (sortior)
vendĭtĭo, ōnis, f. vendo, a selling, sale; a vending.
vŏcābŭlum, i, n. id., an appellation, designation, name of any thing
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