Monday 17 June 2024

The Crown of Excellence : Chapter 3 : § 6.4-5

Chapter 3 : The Second Star or Splendour of the Crown of Excellence of the Mother of God

Continuing our translation of the 1845 reprint of Fr François Poiré's Triple Crown of the Mother of God (1643 French edition).

Notre Dame des Grâces, Cotignac.(Poggi, 2020)

That from the beginning of the world she was announced by the Prophets and represented by ancient figures

In the previous chapter, I presented the Holy Virgin as a trial design by God when considered in relation to the Saviour, who was Himself the first actual masterpiece in the world. In comparison with the rest of creation, however, it cannot be denied that Mary was the second masterpiece by God who produced hundreds of preparatory sketches, as will be seen in the following discussions.

§ 6. On Judith, Esther and Bethsabee

First Figure : Judith

 4   Judith went so far as to enter into the privy chamber of the heavenly Spouse and into colloquy with the Lord. From this, she merited the title Mistress of the Masters and ancients who governed the chosen people, as is amply documented in chapter viii of her history. It is the opinion of all the Holy Fathers that the Holy Virgin’s experiences had gained understanding for her of the greater part of the mysteries of our Religion. Idiota [nom de plume of Raymundus Jordanus][1] and St Antoninus[2] honoured her by calling her the Queen Regent of the Doctors of the universe and she revealed to the Fathers admirable secrets of the economy of our salvation. Fr Rupert[3], having called her the Mistress of the masters, speaks to her in this manner:

We are told the Apostles were taught by the Holy Ghost, but are we then to believe they had no need of thy teaching? Far from it, for thy voice was the voice of the Holy Ghost and it was from thy sacred lips that they learned everything necessary by way of testimony as to what the divine Master had taught them. Although Scripture does not state it explicitly, when the Apostles met to resolve the problem of the ancient ceremonies, are we to believe thou wast not invited to their council? That this chosen group representing the Church would have dared to resolve the question without consulting the Holy Ghost, who dwelled in thy chaste bosom and who spoke uniquely through thy lips? I have no doubt whatsoever that thou wast given the place of honour at the council and that everyone would have hung upon thy words, receiving them as from an oracle, despite thy humble and modest demeanour. These Princes of the Church were not unaware of the praise and honour due to thee; by their common consent and declaration, they acknowledged that all the monsters of heresy had been vanquished by thee alone.

So speaks this pious and learned Priest. St Ambrose says[4] in this regard that it is no wonder that St John, like a royal eagle, soared to such heights and left others far behind; for he had the benefit of studying for such a long time in an excellent school, namely that of the MOTHER OF GOD. Idiota [nom de plume of Raymundus Jordanus][5] explains that this was the same source that provided details of the Incarnation, childhood and education of little Jesus which St Luke took great pains to pass on to us.


[1] Contemplat. de B. Virg., c. 3.
[2] IV parte, tit. XV.
[3] Lib. I in Cant.
[4] Lib. de Institutione Virginis.
[5] Loco cit.

 5   By reason of this excellent preparation, Holy Judith was made available by God to be one of the wonders of the world, the liberatrix of her people and the cause of public rejoicing; she cut off the head of Holofernes, the public enemy who had filled even the stoutest hearts in Israel with dread. St Bonaventure alerts us[1] to the fact that this feature was truly fulfilled in the glorious Virgin, to whom he addresses the same words in recognition as those once proclaimed by the people of Bethulia to Judith: The Lord hath blessed thee by his power, because by thee he hath brought our enemies to nought.[2] 

Our foes, says the Saint, are the demons whom the Lady crushed when in herself and others she frustrated their efforts and eliminated their power. St Bernard said of this: Thou art that courageous warrior whose presence alone puts the squadrons from hell to flight. 

By reason of her peerless prowess, Judith was blessed by everyone and received with public acclamations and extraordinary titles in her honour, She was named the glory of Jerusalem, the joy of Israel and the wonder of God’s people.

And the Holy Virgin, says St Bonaventure[3], received blessings from the Holy Trinity, the three Hierarchies and the Blessed Spirits as well as from all the Orders of the Church.

He goes on to develop this idea at greater length. Finally, the spoils of Holofernes were awarded to the valiant Judith whose noble nature in her courage was such that she did not want to touch them. She offered them instead to God, to whom the victory was due, as an an anathema of oblivion[4], satisfied as she was that no word should ever mention her name but that the glory should be offered to the God of armies and the Lord of victories. The Holy Virgin, understanding more than Judith, places at the feet of her beloved Son all the thanks and blessings that are offered to her. The crowning of her wishes is to see Him uniquely honoured and glorified. 


[1] Speculi B. Virg., c. 12.
[2] Jud. iii. 22.
[3] Speculi, c. 12.
[4] Judith, xvi. 23.

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The Vladimirskaya Icon. >12th century.
 tuum præsidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genitrix. Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus, sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Amen.



Totus tuus ego sum
Et omnia mea tua sunt;
Tecum semper tutus sum:
Ad Jesum per Mariam. 

© Peter Bloor 2024

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