Thursday 13 June 2024

The Crown of Excellence : Chapter 3 : § 5.5-6

Chapter 3 : The Second Star or Splendour of the Crown of Excellence of the Mother of God

Continuing our translation of the 1845 reprint of Fr François Poiré's Triple Crown of the Mother of God (1643 French edition).

Notre Dame des Grâces, Cotignac.(Poggi, 2020)

That from the beginning of the world she was announced by the Prophets and represented by ancient figures

In the previous chapter, I presented the Holy Virgin as a trial design by God when considered in relation to the Saviour, who was Himself the first actual masterpiece in the world. In comparison with the rest of creation, however, it cannot be denied that Mary was the second masterpiece by God who produced hundreds of preparatory sketches, as will be seen in the following discussions.

§ 5. On Mary (sister of Moses), Axa and Jahel

First Figure : Mary, sister of Moses

 5   This name, says St Anthony of Padua[1], thrills the heart, is honey-cake in the mouth and a sweet harmony that enraptures the ear. St Bonaventure[2] says this name is like a clear fountain that refreshes the reborn soul and causes it to bring forth fruits of justice. Albertus Magnus[3] says this name supports us when we are shaken and disturbed by temptations. St Bonaventure[4] says this name brings us reassurance at the hour of death, putting to flight our invisible enemies, bringing peace and calm to the soul. There is no risk nor danger from which this name will not deliver us, says St Anselm[5].

What a miracle it is, therefore, says St Peter of Blois[6], that this name should be so highly esteemed throughout the entire Church, that Christians invoke it with such deep affection, that they genuflect whenever they hear it uttered; in short,  that at the sound of this name, the voices of the faithful on every side sound like the roaring waters of the sea?

I cannot forget what the MOTHER OF GOD once revealed about her name to St Bridget[7]:

Through His grace, My Son has so honoured my name Mary that the Angels who hear it are filled with joy; they bless and give thanks to Him who worked in me this miracle of joining His divinity to our humanity. The souls in purgatory never hear the name without feeling refreshed. When Guardian Angels hear this name they join themselves more closely to those committed to their charge and redouble their care. Demons tremble and are forced out, freeing the soul from the grip of their claws. Finally, there is no sinner, howsoever cold he may have become, who will not be freed from the devil if, having heard my name, he makes a firm purpose of amendment promising to abandon his sinful ways and to avoid occasions of future sin. 


[1] Dominic. 3 in Quadrag..
[2] In Psalterio Virgin.
[3] Loco cit.
[4] In Psalterio.
[5] De Excellent. Virg., c. 6.
[6] Serm. 28.
[7] Revelat., lib. I, c. 9.

 6   The second similarity is that Mary, the sister of Moses, is the first in the old Law to have accepted virginity as her state in life. This is the teaching of the Doctors I mentioned at the beginning and it is proved by St Gregory of Nyssa who points out that no mention is made of any husband for her in Sacred Scripture and adds that, were this not the case, she would have borne his name like other wives and would not have been referred to as sister of Moses and Aaron, which is the name she is routinely given.

The MOTHER OF GOD has, however, surpassed her, for she not only professed this noble virtue but she was the first to honour it by linking it to an indissoluble vow. This is the teaching of St Augustine[1], St Bernard[2], Fr Rupert[3], many other Doctors[4] and by all the Theologians together. They prove this beyond any doubt by the response Mary made to the Angel when she said to him: What dost thou mean by this message?  How shall this be done, because I know not man? In this regard, the Holy Fathers have offered her a trophy[5] laden with a thousand honours. Origen[6] is adamant in his view that it was Mary who offered and dedicated the first fruits of chastity and cannot allow this virtue to be lessened by giving the prize to another. St Ambrose[7] calls Mary the Standard Bearer and Mistress of Virginity; St Epiphanius[8] calls her the Princess and the Model for all others; St Augustine[9], the honour, and St Gregory of Nazianzus[10], the first of Virgins ; Sophronius[11], the Mirror of virginal perfection; St John Damascene[12], the Queen, the Mother and the Glory; St Ildephonsus[13], the Summit and Exemplar of Virgins; St Bonaventure[14], the Flower of virginity; St Isidore[15], the Crest; St Bernard[16], the First in dignity; Idiota [nom de plume of Raymundus Jordanus][17], Colonel-in-chief of Virgins; and the Church universal proclaims aloud, according to St Peter Chrysologus, that she is Virgin of Virgins, Queen of Virgins and Virgin par excellence.


[1] Lib. de Sancta Virginitate, t. VI.
[2] Serm. in illud Signum magnum, etc.,
[3] Lib. III in Cantica.
[4] Ildef., Serm. 5 de Assumpt. ; S. Brigitta, lib. I Revel., c. 10; Gregor. Nyss., Serm. de Nativit. ; Anselm., de Excell. Virg., c. 4 ; Hugo Vict., lib. de Perpetua Virginitate, c. 1..
[5] trophée n.m. The spoils from a defeated army which are normally placed on a tree whose branches have been cut off. Also: a pile of arms as a sign of victory after a battle.La despoüille d’un ennemi vaincu que l’on mettoit ordinairement sur un arbre dont on avoit coupé les branches. Dictionnaire de l’Académie française, 1re édition (1694)
[6] In c. 13 Matth.
[7] Lib. de Inst. Virg., c. 5 et 6..
[8] Hæresi 78.
[9]Tract. X in Joann., et in c. 2 Lucæ.
[10] In carmine, Tragoedia de Christo patiente.
[11] Homil. de Assumpt..
[12] In carmine de Epiphania..
[13] Serm. 1 et 3 de Assumpt.
[14] In Litaniis B. Virg..
[15] Lib. de Ecclesiast. officiis, c. 17.
[16] Serm. in illud Signum magnum, etc.
[17] Contempl. de B. Virg., c. 6.

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The Vladimirskaya Icon. >12th century.
 tuum præsidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genitrix. Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus, sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Amen.



Totus tuus ego sum
Et omnia mea tua sunt;
Tecum semper tutus sum:
Ad Jesum per Mariam. 

© Peter Bloor 2024

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