Wednesday 12 June 2024

The Crown of Excellence : Chapter 3 : § 5.2-4

Chapter 3 : The Second Star or Splendour of the Crown of Excellence of the Mother of God

Continuing our translation of the 1845 reprint of Fr François Poiré's Triple Crown of the Mother of God (1643 French edition).

Notre Dame des Grâces, Cotignac.(Poggi, 2020)

That from the beginning of the world she was announced by the Prophets and represented by ancient figures

In the previous chapter, I presented the Holy Virgin as a trial design by God when considered in relation to the Saviour, who was Himself the first actual masterpiece in the world. In comparison with the rest of creation, however, it cannot be denied that Mary was the second masterpiece by God who produced hundreds of preparatory sketches, as will be seen in the following discussions.

§ 5. On Mary (sister of Moses), Axa and Jahel

First Figure : Mary, sister of Moses

 2   The fourth meaning is Star or Lady of the Sea.

Star, says St Bonaventure, because of her perfect purity which is increased rather than diminished by the birth of the divine Word who came forth like a ray from the Star. These are the words of the devout St Bernard[1] that are sung in the Church. Star because of her beauty rare and the incomparable fruit seen in her brightness by all those who journeying on the stormy seas of this world.

St Bernard and St Bonaventure have more to say on this and their beautiful reflections will be very much to the point in a later context.

 3   The fifth meaning of Mary is enlightened or enlightening, inasmuch as she enlightens the whole world by her example, her mercy and her glory. This is according to the same St Bonaventure.[2]

By her example, since the Church sings that her glorious life brought light into the world and her way of life[3] throws rays of light over all the Churches in the world. By her mercy, just as in times past God’s people were led by a bright and moving cloud through the dark shades of this life. By the excellence of her glory, inasmuch as we can apply to her what is written in Ecclesiasticus: The sun giving light hath looked upon all things, and full of the glory of the Lord is his work.[4] 

St Epiphanius adds a sixth meaning, saying that the name Mary has the same value as hope. I shall speak more of this in the next treatise when dealing with her title of Redemptrix. But St Ambrose has come up with a meaning which is unrivalled and he is the only person to mention it. It is difficult to say where or from whom he discovered it.

Mary, he says,[5] has a name which is unique to her for it means God is born of my lineage.

If out of respect for this great Doctor we choose to give currency to this interpretation, then it must be admitted that, after the adorable name of JESUS, no name is better suited to the person it signifies and no-one is more entitled to bear it than Mary. As if to confirm this mystery, I am pleased to add the happy discovery of Blessed Proculus[6] who argues that the name Gabriel, correctly understood, means the same as God made man. This teaches us that everything pertaining to the mystery of the Word incarnate had been foreseen and ordained by God Himself, even down to the little detail of the heavenly Messenger’s name.

 4   With so many wonders hidden in this venerable name, the Holy Fathers have taken the opportunity to immerse themselves in her praiseworthy qualities and to show us their incomparable effects. The eloquent Archbishop of Ravenna (quoted above), alluding to Mary the sister of Moses and Aaron, and speaking of Mary the Mother of Jesus, says:

This name is redolent of prophecy : it is a name of salvation for those who have been born again; it is a brilliant gemstone among the virtues, the honour of chastity, a pleasing sacrifice to God, a sign of hospitality, a dwelling place of sanctity; in a word, the name of MOTHER OF GOD is a name quintessentially maternal. 

O great Lady!  Says St Bonaventure[7] following St Bernard. O source of goodness! O Mary most worthy of praise! It is just not possible to utter thy name without being set of fire with love. We cannot think of thee without a unique feeling of joy and consolation. Those who honour thee will always be blessed with a sweet memory of thee.

Idiota [nom de plume of Raymundus Jordanus] speaks about the wonders of this name:[8]

Mary, do not be afraid, for the most Holy Trinity hath given thee a name which is above all names after that of thy dear Son : a name at the sound of which everyone in heaven, on earth and under the earth must bend their knees, no more nor less than to Her Son’s name. Let every tongue declare the grace, the glory and the virtue of this holy name since, after that of Jesus Himself, there is no other from which we are to expect our hoped-for salvation. This name, more than any other name that can be uttered, returns to the true path those who have strayed, heals the sick, gives sight to the blind, touches those who have grown cold of heart, encourages the weary, anoints those in battle, and thwarts the activities of demons.



[1] Homil. 2 in Missus.
[2] Vide Bonavent., Speculi B. Virg., c. 13.
[3] conversation: xiie siècle, au sens de « genre de vie, commerce ». Emprunté du latin conversatio, « commerce, intimité, fréquentation ».Dictionnaire de l’Académie française, 9e édition.
[4] Cap. xlii. 16
[5] De Institut. virg., c. 5.
[6] Orat. de Christi Nativit. in Concil. Ephes. 
[7] Cap. 8 Speculi B. Virg. Loco cit.
[8] Loco cit.
[9] That in the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth, and under the earth: Phil. ii. 10.

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The Vladimirskaya Icon. >12th century.
 tuum præsidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genitrix. Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus, sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Amen.



Totus tuus ego sum
Et omnia mea tua sunt;
Tecum semper tutus sum:
Ad Jesum per Mariam. 

© Peter Bloor 2024

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