Wednesday, 15 January 2025

The Crown of Excellence : Chapter 13 : § 2.5-6

Chapter 13 : The Twelfth Star or Splendour of the Crown of Excellence of the Mother of God 

Continuing our translation of the 1845 reprint of Fr François Poiré's Triple Crown of the Mother of God (1643 French edition).

Notre Dame des Grâces, Cotignac.(Poggi, 2020)
How she is the honour of earth and of Heaven

§ 2. She is the pearl of beautiful souls and the gemstone beyond price

The Stone of Wonder

 5   This notwithstanding, I am unable to pass over in silence one precious stone which was discovered in our own day in the province of Paraguay, in the West Indies[1]. Its formation, the way it appears, and its composition are altogether striking. It has been called the stone of wonder or a garnet, because of the great resemblance it has to this fruit[2] which is a masterpiece amongst all the fruits in nature and also bears a crown. The garnet is not so much one precious stone as a rich collection of precious stones, being like a display or array of rare gems. These are countless amethysts, with a precious covering, carefully arranged in proper proportion, mounted so well in their little settings and all so neatly separated from each other that it would be difficult to find a sight more pleasing to the eye. 

When, moreover, the ground is ready to bring forth one of these stones, a noise like thunder can be heard which is the signal for all those in the vicinity to go in search of the treasure which has been prepared for them. This treasure is one they properly esteem so highly that there is no one old or young who does not go out into the countryside to see who will be blessed by such a rich discovery. About ten years ago (around the year 1617) we were able to see one of these stones that the Christians from that country had sent to Cardinal Borromeo, Archbishop of Milan, nephew of Saint Charles and protector of the West Indies. I should add to what I have already said that the earth producing this treasure is altogether useless for other things, nature wishing to show through this that all the earth’s sap and goodness has been used up to form a quintessence for the production of this miraculous jewel. 

When nature has opened up all its stores of treasure to us, I do not know if we shall ever find a stone comparable to this one, which is able to reveal to us the exceptional perfection of the MOTHER OF GOD; for, properly speaking, she is the treasure that our earth held for so many centuries, and the precious stone that nature and grace crafted for so long and with such great care. She is the treasure sent down from Heaven with such a dazzling litany of promises spoken by the Prophets that they echoed around the universe for four thousand years. She is truly a house packed with treasure, a collection of unsurpassed splendours and a store of priceless graces. Please do not stop at what can be seen just from the outside, even though this alone is greatly uplifting, but enter rather the interior of this masterpiece where you will see a whole world of precious stones organised and arrayed in a most beautiful and perfect manner. These are, if you wish, all the predestined found ensconced in the bosom of the glorious Virgin, something we shall discuss more fully later[3]. Or they are, if you prefer, the rare and excellent virtues of this Lady which, just like amethysts, shine with brightness but without being too dazzling to the eye, meaning that their attraction has a certain sweetness able to win hearts without putting them off by being too brilliant. They act, if you like, to preserve us from the poisonous suggestions and temptations of our invisible enemies, in the same way (so it is said[4]) that an amethyst worn around the neck offers protection against all sorts of poisons, especially if it is engraved with an image of the Sun or the Moon. They may also be considered, if you like, as representing the graces she obtains for us unceasingly to prevent us from being ensnared by the seductive charms and pleasures of this life. The amethyst wards off and prevents drunkenness, and it is said that this is what gave rise to its name[5]. Another interpretation you may prefer is that they represent all the good things she does for those souls whom she helps to receive the graces and favours of Heaven. There are some who have written that an amethyst, no matter how it is worn or carried, helps grant favourable access to those who wish to deal with Princes[6]. For me, I would say that they represent all the acts of virtue that the Holy Virgin has practised – which are more dazzling in their brilliance and a thousand times more precious than all the gemstones in the world.

[1] West Indies: This term originally referred to all the territories discovered by Columbus and the Europeans in the Americas.
[2] The fruit referred to is the pomegranate, which was once known as a garnet or garnet-apple, grenade or granate.
[3] Part III, ch. 1, et alibi.
[4] Plin., lib. XXXVII.
[5] amethyst: meaning "not intoxicating; not drunken," from Greek a- "not"  + methyskein "make drunk," from methys "wine".
[6] Plin., loc. cit.

 6   How often have I felt myself sharing the same reaction as Ismenias[1] of Thebes in ancient times. It is recounted of him[2] that whilst visiting Cyprus he came across a beautiful emerald on which there was engraved an image of Amymone, who was one of the fifty daughters of King Danaus. He noted that it was on offer for six golden deniers[3] and he paid the full sum immediately. The merchant was so astonished that he felt uneasy in his conscience about taking so much money and he returned two of the gold coins. Ismenias was very upset when he did this, saying: “I am most unhappy that you have returned this money to me, because this will greatly diminish the value of this piece!”

Interpreting this with reference to the Holy Virgin, I would say this wonderful stone, the honour of earth and Heaven, bears the image of the foremost Princess in the world, who is the first-born Daughter of the King of Kings, and one of my main concerns is that she is not valued and esteemed as she merits to be. How many graces are kept from the world because people do not appreciate her excellent qualities! How many blessings would be showered upon us if only we understood her true value so that we would admire in her the goodness and the greatness of the divine Craftsman who made her so worthy of our admiration! A thousand  times happy is he who knows this value; more happy still is he who honours her in a way befitting his esteem for her; most happy of all is he who in his heart possesses her as his treasure and his only good, after God!

[1] A fourth century Theban musician.
[2] Plin. Book. XXXVII, 6.
[3] A name given to various eastern Mediterranean and Middle Eastern coins: applied anciently to a gold coin.

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The Vladimirskaya Icon. >12th century.
 tuum præsidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genitrix. Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus, sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Amen.



Totus tuus ego sum
Et omnia mea tua sunt;
Tecum semper tutus sum:
Ad Jesum per Mariam. 

© Peter Bloor 2025

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