Chapter 13 : The Twelfth Star or Splendour of the Crown of Excellence of the Mother of God
§ 9. She is God's world
After God had made the external world with all the pieces of which it is composed, He realized there was another world He had to build which would be in fact smaller in size than the first but in all other respects incomparably greater in its perfection and more able to offer glory to God, joy to the Angels and great benefit to men. This was the most sacred Virgin in whom He distilled everything that He had included in our physical world. For there he had divided light from darkness, and in the same way in this little world He made a division between the night of sin which covered the generality of men and the new dawn of grace and holiness with which He illuminated her from the very beginning. There, He placed two great lights, one for the day and the other for the night; here, he placed two beautiful stars, one was obedience, giving joy unto God, the angels and the Saints: the other was the law, which would drive out of ignorant souls the darkness of error and lack of faith. There, He placed various stars like so many brilliants[2], which from the beginning always kept to their courses and retained their first brightness; here he infused various types of knowledge which never ceased in their continual progress, nor lost even a single degree of their extraordinary brightness. There, fowls filled the air and all the different types of bird-song created a melodious harmony bringing joy to the heart of the first man, who at that point was the only inhabitant of the earthly Paradise; here, the words of the holy Virgin so wondrously in concert with each other created a harmony that enraptured the world and brought down on earth all the majesty of Paradise. There, animals were fed and sustained by the fruits which the earth produced without labour; here, men are sustained by the fruit of life brought forth by the holy Virgin who in this respect was the holy land whose blessed earth had not been cultivated. There all the creatures had their own particular qualities and virtues, each according to its own nature; here, one creature received more properties and eminent qualities than may be found amongst all the flowers, trees, fruits, precious stones, metals, elements, stars and all the rest of nature.
§ 10. She is God’s Throne
She is, says Saint Germanus (Patriarch of Constantinople)[2], the Cherubim’s throne, a Throne whose greatness is immense, a Throne of fire, a sublime Throne, a Throne which bears within her the Lord of all ages.
She is, says Saint Gregory Thaumaturgus[3], the Royal Throne, the Holy of Holies, alone glorious over the Earth, more holy than all others after God, the Throne on which the Lord Jesus took His repose.
She alone was found worthy and able to bear the Holy of Holies.She is a Throne which is in no way inferior that of the Cherubim, says Hesychius[5].She surpasses their throne by far in splendour and majesty, says Saint Epiphanius[6]; and this is why the Angels, the Archangels, the Principalities, the Powers, the Thrones, the Dominations, the Cherubim, the Seraphim, and all the Blessed Spirits as a whole[7] find themselves and enraptured and confused when they see how the King of earth and Heaven left the throne of the Cherubim in favour of another which He chose within the womb of the Blessed Virgin, His Mother.
SUB tuum præsidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genitrix. Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus, sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Amen.
The Vladimirskaya Icon. >12th century.
© Peter Bloor 2025