Tuesday 8 October 2024

The Crown of Excellence : Chapter 9 : § 3.13-14

Chapter 9 : The Eighth Star or Splendour in the Crown of Excellence of the Mother of God

Continuing our translation of the 1845 reprint of Fr François Poiré's Triple Crown of the Mother of God (1643 French edition).

Notre Dame des Grâces, Cotignac.(Poggi, 2020)

She is singularly blessed

§ 3. The Holy Virgin is uniquely blessed among the just and the friends of God

 13   Thirdly, as far as its use was concerned, the Tabernacle of Israel had one advantage which placed it far above all the other tents. It was God’s own tent and His abode, the place where He took His repose, where He was served and adored and where He made His will known. In short, it was where every transaction was holy, noble and worthy of God. For this reason everything therein was blessed and consecrated with the holy and mysterious oil of unction, following the command given to Moses[1]. This caused King David the Prophet to say that God had sanctified His Tabernacle[1]

What shall I say here about the MOTHER OF GOD except to quote the words of St Andrew of Candia[3] who said,

Mary was with every good reason called blessed since she was truly blessed in order to be the worthy Tabernacle of God?

Or the statement of St John Damascene[4] that:

When we speak of Mary, we must forget the old Tabernacle because she was the dwelling and palace not only of God’s power and works but also of His Son’s essence and His very person?

This is the privilege which she enjoys and which places her far above all the other Tents of the chosen people. Apart from the practice of holiness, the latter tents were mainly used for everyday purposes and in fact there were times when they were used in profane ways such as to arouse the wrath of the Lord. The true blessing of the Holy Virgin is that she was always Holy. Just as in a divine Tabernacle, God received in Mary continual service and adoration without the intrusion of anything whatsoever that was not directed purely to the honour and glory of His sovereign Majesty. 

I call upon all well-formed minds, especially those who honour the Queen of Angels with a particular devotion : adore the infinite greatness of God in this His heavenly dwelling-place[5]; offer ye Him your prayers at eventide, in the morning and throughout the day in this sacred Tabernacle, for as ye now see and shall come to see yet more clearly[6], He hath chosen her for this purpose.


[1] Exod. xxx. and xl.
[2] The most High hath sanctified his own tabernacle.  Ps. XLV. 5. 
[3] Serm. de Annuntiat.
[4] Orat. 1 de Nativit. B. Virg.  
[5] The French text has parvis, with the same meaning as English parvis: an enclosed area or court [OED]. Some link the etymology to paradisus.
[6] Cap. 13.

 14   Finally, the Tabernacle of Silo and Sion was the unique source of security for the Hebrew people, the recourse and common refuge of Israel and the great seal on the covenant God made with the Jews. This divine Tent gave strength and stability to all the others when in the midst of them. It filled the armies of Judah with courage, putting fear into their foes and scattering them, making one of their men the equivalent of one hundred of the enemy. This is why David, who loved the Tabernacle with his whole heart, calls it so frequently the fortress and bastion of Israel and compares it to the Unicorn[1] which makes of its den a fearsome fortress for all the animals around.

O Virgin most admirable, Ark and Tabernacle of Israel, who could explain thy value for the Christian people and how much they trust thee in their daily lives and in all their needs? The human heart will never, ever appreciate the benefits it derives from thy protection. Thou art the comforter of the afflicted, a support for those who waver, a source of strength for the weak and of help for everyone, the seal on the covenant God made with us. Without thee, there would be no hope of grace, no lasting peace and guarantee of holiness. I must, however, wait for a later opportunity later[2] to declare my thoughts and to offer thee my gratitude. I am happy to say now that I no longer find it astonishing that David explained so frequently how God set more store by the gates alone of the Tabernacle of Sion than by all the Tents of Jacob. His words reflect the fact that thy goodness of itself doth render Him greater honour and draweth more hearts and loving thoughts to Him than all the rest of the Saints together.


[1] And he built his sanctuary as of unicorns, in the land which he founded for ever. Ps. LXXVII. 69.
[2] Tract. III fere toto.

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The Vladimirskaya Icon. >12th century.
 tuum præsidium confugimus, Sancta Dei Genitrix. Nostras deprecationes ne despicias in necessitatibus, sed a periculis cunctis libera nos semper, Virgo gloriosa et benedicta. Amen.



Totus tuus ego sum
Et omnia mea tua sunt;
Tecum semper tutus sum:
Ad Jesum per Mariam. 

© Peter Bloor 2024

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