The Second Decade

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple.
Quem die quadragesima
in templo praesentasti:
ac Moysi legitima
spontanee subisti. Ave Maria.

Whom thou upon the fortieth day
     In His own house presenting,
Didst freewill offerings duly pay
     To Moses' law consenting. Hail Mary.

The Flight into Egypt
Quem Herodem fugiens
Aegypto adduxisti:
tandem inde rediens
ad Nazareth venisti. Ave Maria.

Whom safe to Egypt thou didst bear
     Whilst Herod's rage was swelling;
But bring back with maternal care,
     To Nazareth thy dwelling.

The sojourn in Egypt

The Return from Egypt

Jesus lost
Quem ad festum transiens:
dolenter perdidisti:
sed mox templum adiens:

gaudenter repperisti. Ave Maria.

Whom once as lost thou didst deplore,
     When from the Feast returning;
But in the Temple find once more,
     'Midst doctors Him discerning. Hail Mary.

Jesus amidst the Doctors
Jesus found

The Youth of Jesus
Quem manuum per opera:
sollicite nutrivisti:
et in aetate tenera:
in omnibus providisti. Ave Maria.

Whom thou didst bring up at thy side,
     Due care and toil expending;
And for His food and needs provide,
     His holy childhood tending. Hail Mary.


Saint John the Baptist sees Jesus from afar
Quem Iordanis flumine:
Ioannes baptizavit:
et agnoscens nomine:
digito demonstravit. Ave Maria

Whom when baptized in Jordan's flood,
     John, His forerunner blesseth;
And pointing out the Son of God,
     His glorious name confesseth. Hail Mary.

The Baptism of Jesus

Jesus tempted in the wilderness
Quem satanas astutiis:
trifarie tentavit:
salvatorem versutiis:
prudenter obviavit. Ave Maria

Whom Satan laboured to delude.
     With threefold guile assailing;
But He the Tempter vile withstood;
     In wisdom all prevailing. Hail Mary.

Jesus set upon a pinnacle of the temple
Jesus is taken to a high mountain

The Betrothed of Cana of Galilee
Qui tuo pro oraculo:
aquam in vinum mutat:
in quo suos miraculo:
discipulos confirmat. Ave Maria

Who erst the water changed to wine,
     Thou for that boon beseeching;
So, by a miracle divine,
     His weak disciples teaching. Hail Mary.

The Marriage in Cana

The Man with an unclean Spirit in the Synagogue
Qui obsessos plurimis:
daemonibus salvavit:
ac infirmos variis:
languoribus curavit. Ave Maria.

Who many souls from sin released,
     With saving power restoreth;
And health upon the poor diseased,
     Oft times in mercy poureth. Hail Mary.

In the villages, the sick were presented unto Him.

Resurrection of Lazarus
Qui Lazarum cum filio:
viduae suscitavit:
puellam cum prodigio:
ad vitam revocavit. Ave Maria

Who Lazarus and the widow's son
     With mighty word did quicken;
And back to life and parents won
     A maid with sickness stricken. Hail Mary.

Young man, I say unto thee, Arise
The Raising of Jairus' daughter

Jesus eating with publicans and sinners
Qui cum peccatoribus:
frequenter manducavit:
hisque paenitentibus:
peccata relaxavit
. Ave Maria.

Who oft on earth to eat and live
     With guilty men consented;
Pleased all their errors to forgive
     If truly they repented. Hail Mary.

Continue to Third Decade.


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