In the first picture, we see Mary in prayer at Golgotha, the scene of the crucifixion and death of her son, Jesus. Let us join our prayers to hers at the start of this rosary.
Continue through each of the first ten mysteries by scrolling down.
Suscipe rosarium,
Continue through each of the first ten mysteries by scrolling down.
Mary praying at Golgotha |
Virgo, deauratum
Iesu Christi compendium
vita decoratum. Ave Maria.
Virgin! This Golden Rosary
To thee I make oblation
Which decked with Jesu's life shall be,
Rehearsed in brief narration. Hail Mary.
The Annunciation |
de flamine concepisti:
dum Gabrieli nuntio
humillime consensisti. Ave Maria.
Whom of the Holy Spirit, thou
A virgin pure conceivedst,
When Gabriel's word, with meekest bow
Assenting, thou believedst. Hail Mary.
The Visitation |
cognatam visitasti:
Ioannemque celeriter
in ventre sanctificasti. Ave Maria.
Thou great with Him, forthwith didst haste
To give thy cousin greeting;
He the unborn John inspired and blest
At that most hallowed meeting. Hail Mary.
The Magnificat |
St Joseph seeks a lodging at Bethlehem |
laetando genuisti:
neque dolorem aliquem
gignendo pertulisti. Ave Maria.
In Bethlehem Whom, a Holy Seed,
Thou didst bring forth with gladness;
In that thy wondrous labour freed
From human pangs and sadness. Hail Mary.
The Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ |
mox natum adorasti;
ac vagientem ubere
virgineo lactasti. Ave Maria.
Scion of Royal David's line,
New-born thou didst adore Him;
Whose nurturing breast with love benign
A wailing Infant bore Him. Hail Mary.
Quem pannis fasciis
constrictum reclinasti;
et suis obsequiis
te totam mancipasti. Ave Maria.
Whom in the manger thou didst lay,
With swathing bands enfolding,
And Him to cherish, day by day,
No pains or care withholding. Hail Mary.
Gloria in Excelsis Deo |
angeli laudaverunt;
pacemque cum gaudio
in terris cecinerunt. Ave Maria.
Whom brightest Angels at His birth,
With laud and carol hailing,
Praised God; announcing Peace on earth,
Good will and love unfailing. Hail Mary.
The adoration of the Shepherds |
pastores cognoverunt;
dum in praesepe Dominum
iacente invenerunt. Ave Maria.
Whom wondering shepherds as of all
The Shepherd Prince declaring,
Yet found, a stable mean and small
With ass and oxen sharing. Hail Mary.
Qui iuxta ritum hominis
passus circumcisione;
Dulcis Iesu nominis
cepit impositionem. Ave Maria.
Who, as for human kind was meet,
Enduring circumcision,
Was called Jesus; Name most sweet!
In token of His mission. Hail Mary.
The Magi on their way to Bethlehem |
ferventer adoratur;
magnisque muneribus
decenter venerant. Ave maria.
Who was by Eastern kings adored,
As homage due they proffered;
When Him confessing for their Lord,
Their noblest gifts they offered. Hail Mary.
Continue now to the Second Decade.
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