Sunday, 31 July 2022

The Plague Cross : Crux Christi salva me

I was delighted to receive a letter with news from Golgotha Monastery Island (Papa Stronsay). There was a reference in this letter to "Plague Crosses:" 

"At the beginning of 2020, we blessed and strategically erected the powerful sacramentals called 'Plague Crosses'. Negotiating the past two years, by the grace of God, we were spared all the ill effects of the prevailing winds in all of the forms they blew upon us. Given that there are eighteen persons here and from all over, that is remarkable and thanksworthy."

Included in the envelope was a laminated card with the image which I have posted below. I had not heard of Plague crosses and had no idea what the mysterious letters signified below the image of the crucified Christ.

After research online, I found the letters come from a Latin prayer to Almighty God for protection against the Plague. Here is the Latin text with my English translation:

From Papa Stronsay.
July 2022
   Crux Christi salva me.
✠       Cross of Christ, save me.

   Zelus domus tuæ liberet me.
Z        May zeal for Thy house free me.

✠   Crux vincit, Crux regnat, Crux imperat; per signum Crucis libera me, Domine, ab hac Peste.
✠       The Cross conquers, the Cross reigns, the Cross rules; through the sign of the Cross deliver me, O Lord, from this plague.

D    Deus, Deus meus, expelle Pestem a me, et a loco isto, et libera me.
D        God, my God, drive this plague away from me and away from this place, and deliver me.

I     In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum, cor et corpus meum.
I        Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit, my heart, and my body.
A    Ante Cœlum et Terram Deus erat, et Deus potens est ad expellendam Pestem ab hoc loco, et a corpore meo.
A        Before heaven and earth, God was; and God is able to liberate me from this plague.

✠   Crux Christi potens est ad expellandam ab hoc loco, et a corpore meo.
✠       The Cross of Christ has power to expel the plague from this place and from my body.

B    Bonum est præstolari auxilium Dei cum silentio, ut expellat Pestem a me.
B        It is good to wait for the help of God in silence, that he may drive away this plague from me.

I     Inclinabo cor meum ad faciendas justificationes tuas, ut non confundar, quoniam invocavi te.
I         I will incline my heart to performing Thy just deeds, lest I be confounded, for I have called upon Thee.

Z    Zelavi super iniquos, pacem peccatorum videns speravi in te.
Z        I have been zealous over the wicked; seeing the peace of sinners, I have hoped in Thee.

✠   Crux Christi fuget Dæmones, Aerem corruptum, et Pestem expellat.
✠       May the Cross of Christ put demons and corrupt air to flight and may it drive away the plague.

S    Salus tua ego sum, dicit Dominus : clama ad me, et ego exaudiam te, et liberabo te ab hac Peste.
S        I am thy salvation, says the Lord; cry out to me, and I will hear thee, and I will liberate thee from this plague.

A    Abyssus abyssum invocat, et voce tua expulisti Dæmones ; libera me ab hac Peste.
A        Abyss calls to abyss,[1] and by Thy voice Thou hast expelled demons ; deliver me from this plague.

B    Beatus vir qui sperat in Domino, et non respexit in vanitates, et insanias falsas.
B        Blessed is the man who hopeth in the Lord, and who hath not looked upon vanities, and false extravagances.

✠   Crux Christi, quæ antea fuit in opprobrium, et contumeliam, et nunc in gloriam, et nobilitatem, sit mihi in salutem, et expellet a loco isto Diabolum, et aerem corruptum, et Pestem a corpore meo.
✠       May the Cross of Christ, which was once the cause of scandal and indignity, and is now in glory and nobility, be for my salvation, and expel from this place the demon, and corrupt air, and the plague from my body.
   Zelus honoris Dei convertat me antequam moriar, et in nomine tuo salva me ab iste Peste.
       May zeal for the honour of God convert me before I die and, in Thy name, save me from this plague.

✠   Crux signum liberet Populum Dei, et a Peste eos, qui confidunt in eo.
✠       May the sign of the Cross free the people of God, and those who trust in Him, from the plague.

H    Hæcne reddis Domino, popule stulte? Redde vota tua offerens sacrificium laudis et fidei illi, quia potens est istum locum, et me ab hac Peste liberare, quoniam qui confidunt in eo non confundetur.
H        Will thou, foolish people, return to the Lord? Make good on thy vows, offering a sacrifice of praise and faith to Him, because He is able to deliver this place and me from this plague; for whoever trusts in Him will not be confounded.

G    Gutturi meo, et faucibus meis adhærat lingua mea si non benedixero tibi ; libera sperantes in te ; in te confido, libera me Deus meus, fiat lubrica, et tenebrosa Diaboli potestas, qui ad hoc venisti, Fili Dei vivi, ut dissolvas opera Diaboli ; expelle tua potentiam a loco isto, et a me servo tuo Pestem istam ; discedat aer corruptos a me in tenebras exteriores.
G        If I will not praise Thee, let my tongue stick to my throat and to my jaws; deliver those who hope in Thee; in Thee I trust; deliver me and this place, O God, from this plague, for Thy name has been invoked in prayer.

F    Factæ sunt tenebræ super universam Terram in morte tua, Domine : Deus meus, fiat lubrica, et tenebrosa Diaboli potestas, qui ad hoc venisti, Fili Dei vivi, ut dissolvas opera Diaboli ; expelle tua potentia a loco isto, et a me servo tuo Pesto istam ; discedat aer corruptus a me in tenebras exteriores.
F        At your death, O Lord, darkness fell over the whole earth; my God, render the power of the devil tenuous and dim, Thou who for this didst come, O Son of the living God: so that Thou mayest destroy the works of the devil. With Thy power, drive out this plague from this place and from me, Thy servant; and may the corrupt air depart from me into the outer darkness.

✠   Crux Christi defende nos, et expelle a loco isto Pestem, et servum tuum libera a Peste ista, qui benignus es, et misericors, et multæ misericordiæ , et verax.
✠       Defend us, O Cross of Christ, and expel from this place the plague, and free Thy servant from this plague, Thou who art kind, and merciful, and of many mercies, and true.

B    Beatus qui non respexit in vanitates, et insanias falsas : in die mala liberabit eum Dominus; Domine, in te speravi, libera me ab hac Peste.
B        Blessed is he who hath not looked upon vanities, and false extravagances; on the day of evil the Lord will free him; Lord, I have trusted in Thee; free me from this plague.

F     Factus est Deus refugium mihi : quia in te speravi, libera me ab hac Peste.
F         God is become my refuge; because I have trusted in Thee, free me from this plague.

R    Respice in me, Domine Deus meus Adonai de sede sancta Majestatis tuæ, et miserere mei, et propter misericordiam tuam ab ista Peste libera me.
R        Look upon me, O Lord my God, Adonai, from the holy seat of Thy Majesty, and have mercy on me, and because of Thy mercy, free me from this plague.  
S    Salus mea tu es ; sana me, et sanabor : salvum fac, salvus ero.
S        Thou art my Salvation: heal me, and I will be healed; save me, and I will be saved.

[1]  [8] Deep calleth on deep, at the noise of thy flood-gates. All thy heights and thy billows have passed over me.
        Abyssus abyssum invocat, in voce cataractarum tuarum; omnia excelsa tua, et fluctus tui super me transierunt.  [Ps xli 8]

Totus tuus ego sum
Et omnia mea tua sunt;
Tecum semper tutus sum:
Ad Jesum per Mariam.