Wednesday, 27 June 2018

Progress: an update

The basic structure of the Rosary's fifty mysteries, each with its Latin verse and English translation, is now complete. Work continues to incorporate additional material such as relevant excerpts from Sacred Scripture, a tab on Tissot and one or two other subjects. Please be patient during the construction. Your comments and suggestions are most welcome.

Monday, 25 June 2018

The Fifth Decade

Jesus alone on the Cross
Crucis mortem subiens
in pace obdormivit:
electos eripiens
infernum introivit. Ave Maria

So thus He slept at last in peace,
     This death of woe enduring,
And entered Hell's domains, release
     For His elect procuring. Hail Mary.

The piercing of the side of Jesus
Satelles latus domini
lancea perforavit:
hinc aqua iuncto sanguine
abunde emanavit. Ave Maria

And now behold! His sacred Side
     The soldier's spear is rending;
Whence gusheth forth a plenteous tide
     Of blood with water blending. Hail Mary.

The Descent from the Cross
Cuius corpus sanctissimum
de cruce ceperunt:
et sepulcrum mundissimum
eidem aptaverunt. Ave Maria

Whose sacred Body, stark and dead,
     Down from the Cross they hurry,
And in a sepulchre's hard bed,
     New-made and clean, they bury. Hail Mary.

Mary receives the Body of her Son
Christ carried to the tomb

The Resurrection
Qui virtute propria
a morte resurrexit:
teque a tristitia
discipulosque erexit. Ave Maria

Who in the morning from the tomb,
     By His own power arising
Roused His disciples from their gloom,
     Thee, too, with joy surprising. Hail Mary.

Peetr and John run to the sepulchre
Two disciples on the road to Emmaus

The Ascension
Super caelorum sidera
ascendit virtuose:
atque in patris dextera
residet gloriose. Ave Maria

Who o'er the stars full mightily
     To Heaven in state ascended,
At God's Right Hand sits gloriously,
     Through ages never ended. Hail Mary.

Qui pentecostes ipsum
spiritum emisit:
apostolis pro fervore
ante promisit. Ave Maria.

Who on the day of Pentecost
     Sent down from highest Heaven
The promise of the Holy Ghost
     Upon the great Eleven. Hail Mary.

The Coronation of the Virgin. Fra Angelico. Public domain.
Qui te super aethera
potenter exaltavit:
et in sua dextera
decenter collocavit. Ave Maria

Who now for thee to glory raised,
     A blessed rest provideth,
At His right hand in honour placed,
     Where He in bliss abideth. Hail Mary.

Propter mundi scelera
qui iudex est venturus:
singulorum opera
strenue discussurus. Ave Maria

Who of the sins of earth shalt come
     Once more the Judge unbending
Each work shalt try, and fitting doom
     Assign for years unending. Hail Mary.

Dira qui supplicia
est reprobis daturus:
sed electis gaudia
aeterna collaturus. Ave Maria

Who wicked men to endless woe
     Shalt hurl in flames infernal;
But on His own elect bestow
     Rewards and joys eternal. Hail Mary.

The Last Judgement. Fra Angelico. Public domain.

Sancta Maria, ora pro nobis...
Orantibus rosarium
aureum tuae matris:
Iesu Christe propitium
vultum tui patris. Amen

Thy Mother's Rosary of Gold,
      Sweet Jesus! we repeat Thee;
So may Thy Father us behold
     With favour, we intreat Thee. Hail Mary.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

The Fourth Decade

"Crucify Him!"
Quem confossum vulneribus:
milites subsannarunt:
ac crucifige vocibus:
Iudaei conclamarunt. Ave Maria.

Whom soldiers galled with wounds, deride
     With ribald jests and noises;
And Jews all "Crucify Him," cried,
     With loud and savage voices. Hail Mary.

Pilate pronounces judgment from the Gabbatha
Ut reum quem sceleris:
Pilatus condemnavit:
crucis lignum humeris:
propriis baiulavit. Ave Maria.

Whom Pilate, byhis stern decree,
     Guilty of death declareth:
Lo! on His shoulders, He, the Tree,
     The Cross, for sinners beareth. Hail Mary.

The Way of the Cross: Jesus meets His mother

Jesus stripped of His raiment
Calvariae quem vestibus:
loco exuerunt:
et manibus cum pedibus:
cruci affixerunt. Ave Maria.

Him of His garments they denude;
     To Calvary they hale Him;
And there, unto the Holy Rood,
By hands and feet they nail him. Hail Mary.

The first nail

Jesus prays for His enemies
Pro suis tortoribus:
attente hic precatur:
dum crucis doloribus:
extensus tenebatur. Ave Maria.

Where for His torturers He prayed,
     So vile, with kind compassion;
E'en when in agony He laid
     Thereon in saddest fashion.

The Penitent Thief
Qui latroni omnia
crimina dimisit:
ac paradisi gaudia
ilico promisit. Ave Maria.

Who put all his offence away
     From that good thief believing,
Him unto Paradise that day
To promised rest receiving. Hail Mary.

"Son, behold thy Mother"
Qui Ioanne discipulo
te matrem commendavit:
quem tibi in patibulo
in filium donavit. Ave Maria.

Who unto John the Apostle, thee
     Commended for a mother;
And Him for thine own son to be
     Appointed as a brother. Hail Mary.

What Our Saviour saw from the Cross
Qui se relictum ovibus
dum patri querebatur:
inimicorum vocibus
turpiter blasphematur. Ave Maria.

Who when in agony He prayed,
     And all His friends were failing,
His enemies with taunts upbraid,
     Blaspheme and wound with railing. Hail Mary.

I thirst
Qui dum exhaustis viribus
<<sitio>> clamavit:
fel et acetum faucibus
miles propinavit. Ave Maria.

Then as full mournfully He cried,
     "I thirst," with vigour wasted,
Unto His lips by guards applied,
     Vinegar and gall He tasted. Hail Mary.

Mater Dolorosa
Qui prophetarum edita
consummans passione:
primi parentis debita
persolvit ratione. Ave Maria.

So by His Passion and His Cross,
     The prophecies fulfilling;
And, for our first forefather's loss
     To pay the ransom willing. Hail Mary.

"It is finished"
In manus patris tradidit
spiritum pretiosum:
alta voce dum edidit
canticum dulcorosum. Ave Maria.

 Now to His Father's hands on high
     His spirit He restoreth;
And "Eli," His last doleful cry,
     With mournful voice outpoureth.

Saturday, 23 June 2018

The Third Decade

Mary Magdalene's very precious ointment
CUIUS pedes lacrimis:
peccatrix irrigavit:
dolensque ex intimis:
veniam impetravit. Ave Maria

Whose feet the sinning woman laved
     With tears in deep contrition;
Whom He in gracious pity saved
     From her forlorn condition. Ave Maria.

The Transfiguration
In monte Thabor deforis:
qui transfiguratur:
et gloriosi corporis:
maiestas declaratur. Ave Maria

Transfigured Who, on Thabor's height,
     Himself with light arrayeth;
And clad in robes of glistening white,
     His Majesty displayeth.

Procession on the Mount of Olives
Cum palmis celebriter:
in urbem quem duxerunt:
vespere sed turpiter:

vacuum dimiserunt. Ave Maria.

Whom Jews in pomp, with palms escort
     Into the Holy City;
Yet that same evening set at nought,
     Reviling without pity.

Procession in the streets of Jerusalem

Jesus washing the Disciples' feet
In cena qui novissima:
pedes suorum lavit:
escaque nobilissima:

cum sanguine cibavit. Ave Maria.

Who washed His own disciples' feet,
     At that last Supper seated;
Then unto them that noblest meat,
     His Blood and Body meted.

The Communion of the Apostles

My soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death
In horto mente anxia:
prolixe qui oravit:
et aquam prae tristitia:
cum sanguine sudavit. Ave Maria

With anxious soul, He many an hour
     Within the garden spendeth;
His sweat for sorrow, like a shower
     Of Blood, to earth descendeth.

Could ye not watch with me one hour?

Jesus taken before Annas
Quem viri malefici:
crudeliter vinxerunt:
Annaeque pontifici:
ligatum adduxerunt. Ave Maria

See! Wicked foes at that great Feast
      With staves and swords assail Him;
And unto Annas, the High Priest,
      In bonds a prisoner hail Him.

Christ mocked in the House of Caiaphas
Vultum cuius turpibus:
sputis maculabant:
et pugnorum ictibus:
dire verberabant. Ave Maria

With shame and spitting, ruffian bands
      His countenance disgracing,
His beauty with relentless hands,
      And cruel blows defacing.

Jesus led from Caiaphas to Pilate
Quem Pilati sedibus:
damnandum praesentabant:
atque falsis testibus:
dolose accusabant. Ave Maria

Whom unto Pilate's judgement seat,
     They hurry there to try Him;
And with false witness and deceit
      Most guilefully belie Him.

Jesus before Pilate for the first time

Jesus before Herod
A Iudaeis exhibitum:
Herodes quem immisit:
sed per despectum habitum:
ut fatuum remisit. Ave Maria

Whom Pilate, brought forth to the Jews,
      To Herod's rule commendeth;
Who Him doth scornfully refuse,
      And back to Pilate sendeth.

Jesus led from Herod to Pilate

The Scourging
Quem indutum purpura:
columne alligatum:
corona pungit spinea:
flagellis verberatum. Ave Maria.

Now to the gory pillar bound,
     In purple robe they dress Him;
With thorns His noble brow is crown'd,
     With scourges they distress Him.

The Crown of Thorns

Friday, 22 June 2018

The Second Decade

Here are the ten mysteries of the Second Decade.

Quem die quadragesima
in templo praesentasti:
ac Moysi legitima
spontanee subisti. Ave Maria.

Whom thou upon the fortieth day
     In His own house presenting,
Didst freewill offerings duly pay
     To Moses' law consenting. Hail Mary.

The Flight into Egypt
Quem Herodem fugiens
Aegypto adduxisti:
tandem inde rediens
ad Nazareth venisti. Ave Maria.

Whom safe to Egypt thou didst bear
     Whilst Herod's rage was swelling;
But bring back with maternal care,
     To Nazareth thy dwelling.

The Sojourn in Egypt

The Return from Egypt to Nazareth

Jesus lost
Quem ad festum transiens:
dolenter perdidisti:
sed mox templum adiens:

gaudenter repperisti. Ave Maria.

Whom once as lost thou didst deplore,
     When from the Feast returning;
But in the Temple find once more,
     'Midst doctors Him discerning.

Jesus amidst the Doctors
Jesus found

The Youth of Jesus
Quem manuum per opera:
sollicite nutrivisti:
et in aetate tenera:
in omnibus providisti. Ave Maria.

Whom thou didst bring up at thy side,
     Due care and toil expending;
And for His food and needs provide,
     His holy childhood tending.


Saint John the Baptist sees Jesus from afar
Quem Iordanis flumine:
Ioannes baptizavit:
et agnoscens nomine:
digito demonstravit. Ave Maria

Whom when baptized in Jordan's flood,
     John, His forerunner blesseth;
And pointing out the Son of God,
     His glorious name confesseth.

The Baptism of Jesus

Jesus tempted in the wilderness
Quem satanas astutiis:
trifarie tentavit:
salvatorem versutiis:
prudenter obviavit. Ave Maria

Whom Satan laboured to delude.
     With threefold guile assailing;
But He the Tempter vile withstood;
     In wisdom all prevailing.

Jesus set upon a pinnacle of the temple

Jesus taken up into a high mountain

The Betrothed of Cana of Galilee
Qui tuo pro oraculo:
aquam in vinum mutat:
in quo suos miraculo:
discipulos confirmat. Ave Maria

Who erst the water changed to wine,
     Thou for that boon beseeching;
So, by a miracle divine,
     His weak disciples teaching.

The Marriage in Cana

The Man with an unclean Spirit in the Synagogue
Qui obsessos plurimis:
daemonibus salvavit:
ac infirmos variis:
languoribus curavit. Ave Maria.

Who many souls from sin released,
     With saving power restoreth;
And health upon the poor diseased,
     Oft times in mercy poureth.

In the villages, the sick were presented unto Him.

Resurrection of Lazarus
Qui Lazarum cum filio:
viduae suscitavit:
puellam cum prodigio:
ad vitam revocavit. Ave Maria

Who Lazarus and the widow's son
     With mighty word did quicken;
And back to life and parents won
     A maid with sickness stricken.

Young man, I say unto thee, Arise
The Raising of Jairus' daughter

Jesus eating with publicans and sinners
Qui cum peccatoribus:
frequenter manducavit:
hisque paenitentibus:
peccata relaxavit

Who oft on earth to eat and live
     With guilty men consented;
Pleased all their errors to forgive
     If truly they repented.

Continue to the Third Decade.